Here are three links worth your time:

  1. 438 free online programming and Computer Science courses you can start in May (browsable list)
  2. A step-by-step guide to making pure-CSS tooltips (3 minute read)
  3. JavaScript ES6 functions: the good parts (6 minute read)

Bonus: The founder of Stack Overflow shares how he built a business around his new open source project, Discourse — even though lots of communities, including freeCodeCamp, are able to use it for free as our forum (9 minute read)

Thought of the day:

“When a flower doesn’t bloom you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” — Alexander Den Heijer

Funny of the day:


Webcomic by XKCD.

Study group of the day:

freeCodeCamp Santa Clara


Happy coding!

– Quincy Larson, teacher at freeCodeCamp

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